The last few days I've been painting at our church so I've been bringing Finley with me and he sleeps in the nursery's pack-n-play. The last two days I've got him from his nap he's turned sideways. Of course he's all smiles as usual, but it looks as if it's a mischievous smile. He's learned a new trick and he thinks it's pretty funny. I can hear him on the monitor talking and having fun, but little did I know he was playing when he was supposed to be napping. I'm not sure I like that he's becoming more mobile. It just means he's growing and I'm not ready for his tricks yet. Everyday I'm reminded that he's not going to be little forever and sadly he's growing like a weed.
Some of these pictures also show his cool skull and cross bone leg warmers from Aunt Amy E. When I put him to bed the other night he was just in his onesie because it was so hot in our house. Later that night I decided to turn the air on and thought..."I'll use those leg warmers instead of swaddling him". I ended up swaddling him too because it got pretty cold. The pictures were from the next morning and I just thought he looked hysterical. So he wore them to church that day. Not sure they are Sunday best, but they will do Monday-Saturday. Plus he might intimidate some kids in the nursery!
I had to change his diaper and his onesie that day at church so I stripped him down and all he had on were the leg warmers and again, I was cracking up!! He looked too funny and he'll probably kill me when he's older for the naked pics of him. I couldn't resist. He looked too cute.