Thursday, November 13, 2008
11 Months
We are discovering Finley's talents daily...his newest one is the CLAW. Sometimes we can promt him to do it like in the video, but other times it's spontaneous and I'm not quite sure what he's trying to tell us when he does so. Sometimes when he's mad he does it but mostly when he's trying to make a point. He tends to be a bit dramatic. The other day I put him down for a nap and from the other room I could tell by the sound of his voice he was doing the claw. That one might have been out of anger towards me for making him take a nap.
Finn is crawling everywhere. Pulling up onto whatever is in his way. He waves bye bye. Says: Hiiiiiii, Dadadada, Mamama. Not sure, but I think he said..."hey" the other day. Clearly "uh-o" is his favorite word and it was his first. He can sign "all done" when prompted. I think that's about all the new stuff I've got. I'll try to post some more recent pictures of the big guy.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
1st Vacation
Road tripped to the mountains of Wyoming with our friends over Labor Day. Went pretty well. Turns out Finley doesn't sleep in cars very well. Took us 15 hours to get there after a flat tire in the middle of no where Nebraska. He slept a combined of an hour and a half the entire way. He was fine on the way out there, but the way home was a different story. We arrived in the middle of the night so we went to bed about 4:30 am and he woke up at 6:30 am., talking to everyone in the family room. I thought I had his pack-n-play covered so he wouldn't beable to see out of it. Turns out I don't function well at 4:30 am as he was able to see everyone in the room. You don't realize how loud he is in the morning until you are in a room full of people who are wanting to be sleeping. Sorry guys. Again didn't sleep on the way home much. Thankfully it was a shorter trip home, yet we were blessed to hear a growling scream from Mr. Finn for a whopping 35 minutes until he gave into sleep. What a great 40 mintues that followed! For the most part he did pretty well considering the lack of sleep he had all weekend. He was still all smiles. Finn's buddy Tad was kind of a pest all weekend....he slept all the way out there...while we were there...and all the way home. He was really getting on our nerves cuz he was so loud. OR...was it the opposite, I don't remember!
Some milestones he's hitting...up on all fours...rocking. Scoots backwards. Sits up on his own. Has 2 teeth. Ate spaghetti (all chopped up) among MANY other things. Rolls all over the place. Bites!! Waves Bye Bye...sometimes. Acts shy and turns away. Mimics sounds a lot. I'm pretty sure he said.. Bye Bye in the car on the way home. We say, "round and round and round" when we look at the fan and he mimics my tone.
We're working on signing "more and please" because I'm getting sick of the grunts when he wants more food. It was cute at first, but now he's just being rude!! :)
And that's all I got.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
So it's been a while since I posted last. Jesse had the camera while he was on a trip to Turkey and I wasn't able to take any recent pictures of the Finster. I'll try to give you a quick recap:
- About a month ago, my mom, Finley, and I went blueberry picking!
- Finley loves sweet things to eat.
- He also shared bacon, eggs, and toast with me the other night for supper.
- He's rolling like crazy, well only over his right arm. So he makes big circles.
- Finley has also picked up an attitude, we are having a battle of our wills daily.
- Since the attitude, I'm resorting to telling him no and correcting the behavior. He then gives a confused look like he's never heard that tone before.
- Jess brought home a djembe for Finley from Turkey.
- I'm introducing him to soccer in hopes that he'll one day like it!
- He talks A LOT especially to his toys and his doggies.
- He's mastered jumping in his johnny jumper and exersaucer.
- He has to go the the nursery every Sunday because he yells when our pastor prays.
So I think that's about all for now. I'll try to post some more pictures of him soon.